Clever Electronics & Software House

We are happy to help you in variety of technical fields, such as electrical and electronics engineering, computer sciences, and software engineering. Simply said, we are offering you the design and clever installations in your home, i.e. sensors, controllers, lights, smart gadgets, and integrate that wide range of electronics together to make a clever house for you. Ultimately, we can offer you the maintenance as well as repairing or replacing electronic gadgets and some selected electrical appliances.

Another important part is the software engineering, so we can offer you the development of applications running on personal computers, tablets, and smartphones, including complex enterprise solutions built on the microservice architecture. This is a comprehensive area where we can provide numerous services, starting with the analysis, through the architecture design, development, and testing, up to the deployment and operations.

If you are interested in our services and cooperation or would like to hear more information on the provided services, please contact us at the e-mail address. We can communicate in English or Czech. For personal meetings, we operate in Prague and its nearby surroundings.